Around the Rainbow

Writing, thoughts and feelings, with a little randomness

All Those Holiday Shoppers and Sunday Drivers!

Hi there. I hope you all had an excellent Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday. I tried. Anyway, I’ve been gone for awhile, and I’m sorry about that. In my last post I said I was trying to stay away from the TV, and well, it hasn’t been hard since I’ve gotten a seasonal job at a clothing store. I’ve been working and sleeping more than anything else. Which wasn’t part of the plan, but it’s keeping me away from the TV, so I can’t complain too much there. My laptop is also old and he’s currently breaking as we speak. He has good days and bad days, and today isn’t too much of a good day, so I’m not sure if I’ll make it through this post without something horrible happening. I won’t lie, at first I was okay with Terry (my laptop’s name) breaking because now that I have a seasonal job it shouldn’t kill me to buy a new one, but then I decided that I’d much rather save my money and spend it on a Wii U for myself over a laptop (cause no one else is going to buy me that expensive thing so soon). If you’re out there, we’re just going to have to suffer with short and somewhat irregular posts. Besides, no new laptop won’t kill me, since there’s a home computer. I just need to make reservations to use it since it’s shared with the six other people in this house.

On with the new job! I work at a clothing store, and it’s fun. I love all the people I work with, but some of these holiday shoppers aren’t very helpful. I work at the cash register, and a lot of people will come up and chat with me, but the few people who come up to my register with nothing but a sour expression on their face, even after I smile and asked if they found everything okay, it just gets on my nerves and makes the few minutes together super uncomfortable. I just don’t like it. I personally feel like I did something wrong. Some people don’t even look at me. They just look at the little screen where they can see the prices, and frown. I do get some outright rude people. One girl came to my line and asked if we had a jacket, so I called that department to see and they were going to come up with the jacket to show her, and she just leaves after a minute of waiting! It’s one thing to actually wonder and wait to see, then it’s another to ask then leave. Now of course, I don’t know what her circumstances were, but I feel she could’ve given me warning or something that she had to leave soon….right? I also heard a story about how some little kid peed on a bunch of clothes on Black Friday, but since I wasn’t there, I won’t go into detail. I just heard it from other workers.

Why did I mention sunday drivers you ask? Cause I’m always stuck behind them when I need to get to work. Now personally, I have no issues with people driving slow. When I first started driving alone, I was pretty slow behind the wheel myself, so I tend not to get too pissed off if someone’s going a little slow. But when they’re doing fifteen miles under the speed limit and I gotta get to work, it is a no-no. I don’t start yelling or freaking out like some people do, but I really just sigh and wonder if God is having a bad and wants me to have one with Him. I don’t have any stories cause really, nothing happens. I just wish I wouldn’t always get stuck behind slow people when I need to work. Maybe I’m getting the message that I should leave for work earlier…

Anyway, I love to hear stories. If you have any holiday shopping horror stories fill me in! You can also tell me about any Thanksgiving or driving horror stories. Whichever floats your boat. I’ll check back in with you soon!

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Wait! There Are Enough Hours In The Day! It Was An Epiphany I Swear!

At least for me as I sit here and go through my personal schedule. I had an epiphany last night where I realized I’m not getting everything I want to get done done. Did that make sense? I hope. Anyway, during my epiphany I realized that there’s a ton of things I want to do. Whether writing my stories or drawing or even learning something new. Instead of doing these things I find myself doing the usual. I’m not a very busy person at all. I have a part time seasonal job where I basically so far only work a few days a week and mostly on evenings. My usual day either consists of me staying home and doing housework for the family or going out with friends. When I’m home I do my housework, which really takes a few hours out of my day, and I find myself watching TV afterwards.

In the mornings, I tell myself “I’m going to do this, this, and this today”. And guess what? I do maybe one of my three things. It all came to me last night. I spend more time watching nonsense (very entertaining, even cool nonsense) on the television. Even online with Hulu and YouTube, I was watching TV shows. It came to me this morning that if I really, and I mean really want to get done what I set out to do, then I gotta stop watching so much TV. Which is exactly what I’m doing, starting today!

For ONE WHOLE YEAR I will watch NO MORE than two hours of televison OR one movie whether it be on the TV or online.

I will keep you updated on what it’s like and how I’m doing, and I’ll be sure to post the different things I do while I’m not watching so much TV. I feel this needs to happen otherwise I’ll never get anything other than  my housework done, and honestly, I want to do more than housework and then watch reruns of my favorite show. So, off I go to accomplish more things!

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Changes To The Blog

Hi there!

I’ve decided that it’s time to change some stuff, and I’ve gotten a few ideas of things to do on here.

For my first change, I know I’ve posted a few poems on here a few times, well, I’m going to move the posting of any of my fictional writings to my other blog Around the Writing Rainbow and that will become my full time writing blog, and so I can be more active on it, since I feel that I am not. (I haven’t been so active on here either to be honest.)

The first thing I’m going to do is….making segments! Cause really who doesn’t enjoy segments, and who doesn’t enjoy thinking their blog can be segmented like a variety show? Some of the segments I thought of…will be a secret until I unveil them, for I don’t know what days I want to do them, but they will change every so often so it’s not always boring and predictable.

For my drawing, I’ve put up some pictures of characters on my Writing Rainbow blog, well I’ve created a Tumblr account cause really, you need tons of blogs. But I decided to use that for my drawing experience, and trying to teach myself to draw and for general uncool things I like. Like TV shows and all that.

Next…I don’t plan on writing something everyday, but most days, maybe every other or a have a two or three day gap at the most.

Now to unveil some segments

  • Listing It Down – Your average list of things to enjoy, watch, read, have fun with. The same stuff I’ve been doing recently on here.
  • I Should Really Know Better – Ever had those embarrassing experiences or just a moment you didn’t think it all the way through? I have, and most of them end up being humorous. I’ll let you in on what they are.
  • What To Think Of This – Basically reviews of just about anything.
  • If I Didn’t Know Any Better – Observations of different things that I’ve read online…cause I like to read random articles online.

That’s about it for now, but I have some others in mind. If you can think of any segments you’d like to see, just let me know and I’ll be more than happy to do it! 🙂

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Top 8 Interspecies Couples In Media

Interspecies couples have been around in all forms of fiction for quite a while. And while upon first hearing of it, we can think: “Ew. That’s not for me.” And then we realize, oh yes, we love this. Whether it’s a romance with vampires, aliens, or demons, we seem to secretly enjoy this kind of love. I’ve compiled a list of my favorite interspecies couples, along with honorable mentions and a list of interspecies couples that should have or may happen. WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! Let’s start!

8. Jake and Neytiri
Movie: Avatar; Species: Jake – Human(Avatar), Neytiri (Alien)
Even though not my favorite, still a cute one. Jake is a human, who becomes an “avatar” to explore the alien world where he meets Neytiri and after some issues lives happily ever after…I hope.

7. Aiden and Vivian
Movie/Book: Blood and Chocolate; Species: Aiden – Human, Vivian – Werewolf
To be very honest, I never saw the movie. I only read the book, and we know how the book ends, not very happy for Vivian at first. I just love this couple because werewolves are just so underrated. And Vivian and Aiden were awesome together.

6. Hideki and Chii
Anime: Chobits; Species: Hideki – Human, Chii – Robot
It’s been awhile since I watched this series, but I remember the love Hideki showed for Chii, and if I remember right, she loved him back. Originally, Chii was a broken robot (that’s not the term used, but I can’t remember) that he found outside, and he took her home, and bam! Here we are putting them on the list!

5. Lupin and Tonks
Movies/Books: The Harry Potter series; Species: Lupin – Werewolf, Tonks – Witch
Another werewolf, ah. I have to love this couple because Tonks seriously loves Lupin. Not only is she always insisting to stay with him despite his protests of being not normal and too old, she has his baby too. How sweet!!!

4. Fred and Laliari
Movie: Galaxy Quest; Species: Fred – Human, Laliari – Alien
There is really not much to say about this couple other than that once you get past the tentacles, it’s really very sweet. Fred meets her upon coming aboard the Thermian ship, and he’s instantly attracted to her, tentacles and all. That must be true love.

3. Renton and Eureka
Anime: Eureka Seven; Species: Renton – Human, Eureka – Alien-ish Being
Yes, that is seriously the best way I can describe her. I can’t remember her actual species name, but it’s alien-like. Eureka was created by some things called the Scrub to observe (if I remember correctly). Renton had an initial attraction to her, and works very hard to keep it a secret, yet get feelings back from her. Later on, she does indeed fall in love with him. And here they are at number three!

2. Roger and Jessica Rabbit
Movie: Who Framed Roger Rabbit; Species: Roger – Rabbit, Jessica – Human
Most people I’ve mention this couple to like to tell me that in the Roger Rabbit universe, they’re both Toons, so they’re the same species. I say nay! I feel like that’s saying a Vulcan and a Klingon are the same species because they’re aliens. They’re just two different alien species, like Roger and Jessica are two different species of Toons. They’re just all jealous of Roger because, well, Jessica really does love him.

1. Kermit and Miss Piggy
Movies/Show: The Muppets; Species: Kermit – Frog, Miss Piggy – Pig
If you haven’t heard of this couple, you’ve been living under a rock since birth. Probably one of the most well known interspecies couples, they’ve been together, and shown love (maybe even obsession on Piggy’s part) toward each other for years. And guess what? They’re still together. They really are the number one couple for this group.

~Honorable Mentions~
This is basically for the couples that, while I was researching, popped up on multiple lists, but I don’t know them too well, so I just want to stick em up here, so you know that I know that they exist.

Fido and Helen
Movie: Fido; Species: Fido – Zombie, Helen – Human

Pygar and Barbarella
Series: Barbarella; Species: Pygar – Angel, Barbarella – Human

Vincent and Catherine
Show: Beauty and the Beast; Species: Vincent – Beast, Catherine – Human

Spike and Buffy
Show: Buffy The Vampire Slayer; Species: Spike – Vampire, Buffy – Human

Allen and Madison
Movie: Splash; Species: Allen – Human, Madison – Mermaid

The Doctor and Rose
Show: Doctor Who; Species: The Doctor – Time Lord, Rose – Human

~Couples We Really Wish Would Happen/Know They Won’t But Still Like The Thought Of~

Beetlejuice and Lydia
Series: Beetlejuice; Species: Beetlejuice – Ghost, Lydia – Human
I don’t mean the movie, either. Whether we were older when we watched the show, or rewatched episodes as an older person to remember our childhood, we saw that Beetlejuice obviously really likes Lydia. There was a whole episode about him being jealous when she was hanging with another ghost. Whether Lydia liked him back like that, I’m not sure. I can’t remember if she ever returned feelings for him during the course of the show. The one thing I do know is that they never would have been together in the series since she can’t be any older than 12 while Beetlejuice is God knows how old. Ghost pedophilia anyone? They’re still cute together.

Spongebob and Sandy
Series: Spongebob Squarepants; Species: Spongebob – Sea Sponge, Sandy – Squirrel
Oh yes, they are here. Whether you like it or not, it’s pretty much shown that Spongebob likes Sandy…a lot. He wrote her song from the bottom of his heart, brings her flowers all the time, and loves to be with her. I want to see this happen.

Dudley Puppy and Miss Kitty
Series: Tuff Puppy; Species: Dudley – Dog, Kitty – Cat
I honestly don’t keep up with this show, but I love the couple either way. My younger brother watches it, and I’ve seen enough episodes to know something should happen, cause it looks like something will and whether this something leads to something else or nothing, I like them together.

Jim and Mala
Movie: Battle For Terra; Species: Jim – Human, Mala – Alien
Most people will tell you this couple was probably never going to happen even if Jim did live. Well I believe there was potential, he just needed to live so it could be explored. I think anyway.

The Baron and Haru
Movie: The Cat Returns, Species: The Baron – Cat Figurine, Haru – Human
I just loved the thought of this couple so much words can’t describe it.

Thor and Jane
Comics: Thor; Species: Thor – God, Jane – Human
I deeply feel that I wasn’t the only person who wanted these two to hook up, and still want them to. I mean come on, they loved each other!

~Unhonorable Mentions~

Edward and Bella
Books/Movies: The Twilight Series; Species: Edward – Vampire, Bella – Human
Oh, you didn’t think I’d forgotten the new poster child of interspecies relationships did you? I won’t lie, I read the books and watched the first two movies. I was okay with the creativity, what I wasn’t okay with was the writing, how bland and whiny Bella was, Bella and Edward’s relationship, and the godawful ending. No big, epic last battle! No gore! I read a vampire book for some blood and fights and/or great storytelling. None of that was there. Anyway, I personally feel Edward and Bella had quite the abusive relationship with him leaving and her turning all risk taking, and the blaming, the angst, the complaining. Where exactly was the love?? Edward, you just gave interspecies relationships a bad name. Bah!

What did you think? Agree? Disagree? Did I miss anyone? Who are your favorite couples?

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Fanfiction – Sometimes You Need To Just Say No

Lately, I’ve been starting to get into the wonderful world of fanfiction. I’ve always had friends who write and read fanfiction, and they’d ask me ask me to read their stuff, and I did. It was great and all, don’t get me wrong, I even just started writing my own and reading more, but there’s some fanfiction scenarios that people should refuse to read and or write. The big first thing I want to cover is couples. I’m all for writing fanfics and shipping couples canon or not, but some you just need to stay away from (for me personally).

I’ll give you a few examples (general and specific) that stand out most to me. Starting with:

1. Yaoi/yuri (gay/lesbian)best friend turned lovers couples – I have nothing against yaoi and yuri, I even like some stories and pairings like that (except for a few choice people), but when they’re best friends, it’s not right. I don’t like to envision two best friends wanting to do each other. If you’ve read the Harry Potter books (or watched the movie) you know that Harry’s best friend is Ron Weasley. And that’s how I like them…BEST FRIENDS. There was an anime I got super into a few years ago called Saiyuki which was about four guys, two are best friends while the other two are very close and probably could be called best friends. One best friend pair is Gojyo and Hakkai, and I managed to come across a gold mine of Gojyo/Hakkai slash stories. Not what I was feeling. For a female pair, try imagining Mia and Lily from The Princess Diaries getting it on.  Personally I feel that making best friends lovers takes away the bond two people share when being best friends.

2. Older/younger smut stories – Much older man/woman falling for much younger girl/guy especially an underage girl/guy, I can work with it. What I can’t work with is when that pairing turns sexual. For an example, Naruto has always had people pairing off couples, but one couple I noticed was the Kakashi/Sakura couple. A nice little student teacher shipping that’s been quite popular with a few fans. Fine. Honestly, I kinda of like them too (for my own reasons of course) what I don’t like is when the story I’m reading becomes a sex filled frenzy between an older teacher and his underage student. Granted some people specify if Sakura’s an adult, but most don’t and I have to assume she regular aged.

3. Incestuous couples – Oh, yes. This needs to happen. Right here, right now. Incest is a big no-no, and even bigger no-no is turning an unincestuous relationship into one. I know there’s some canon incest couples, but when you take a totally innocent pair of family members and make them want each other, it is disturbing. Nobody wants to watch a show that features a brother and a sister who on the tube are not romantically involved but in some fankid’s story they’re doing it every night. Can you ever watch that show the same way again? I think not.

Outside of couples there’s only a few things I feel that shouldn’t be tolerated in fanfiction. One being…making someone a rapist/pedophile/all around creeper. Granted, we read stories/watch movies and television shows with taboo themes almost all of the time BUT when you go and turn a character into something their not, there is a problem. Sometimes when you watch or read something you feel something for the characters, whether it be fondness, hate, jealousy, sympathy…but you feel for them in some way. How would you like to have an established thought and feeling about someone, then read something that just screws it all over? You don’t like it at all. Just as a made up example: in the Teen Titans comics Deathstroke (aka Slade from the Teen Titans cartoons) is in a sexual relationship with an underage Terra (for real, totally canon). That’s fine. Part of his character. He can tap that all he wants. Start made up example here: Now if you take, oh lets say, Superman and decide you don’t like him with Lois Lane, in fact you want Superman to like an underage Batgirl, not just that though…you’re gonna make him rape her cause you know what, it’s one-sided, but Superman wants some! (…I feel a tad ashamed of myself for being able to think that). See, we don’t want that, cause we know that isn’t Superman!

One last fanfiction point that just tells you to say no is making an original character that not only dominates your story to death, but makes everyone else look not so cool when in a group. I’m a big Marvel fan, and enjoy Marvel fanfics. I really like when people make up their own superhero and stick them in the Marvel Universe (or any other comic universe really). This story is about your character, I get it. If you’re going to put them in a group or partner them with someone, please don’t make EVERYthing happen to them. Don’t make them the strongest person in that universe who can almost die, but never die, and please, pretty please don’t make the character irresistible. It’s your story I know, but what makes a good story is weakness, imperfection, conflicts (inside and outside of the partnership/group) and most of all balance. Your character is the main person, so things will happen to them, but when you put them in a group it’s not all about that one person anymore. It’s about all of them now, whether you created them yourself or you’re borrowing them from their respective comicverse.

Okay, so that’s the end of my spiel about fanfiction. What about you? Are their any lines you draw? Do you just love it all?

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Shark Week Has Arrived!

Woo-hoo! I’m very excited that it’s finally Shark Week, and can’t wait to watch more of these awesomely terrifying predators do their thing. I’m not a huge Discovery channel watcher (I like those History channel specials myself), but I must say Shark Week is the best thing to be pumping out. I watched the time capsule episodes today, and I did remember a few (Deadliest Waters being the main one).

I finished watching Air Jaws Apocalypse not too long ago, and I’m about to head off to bed now (sadly), but will continue to watch it tomorrow. Mostly for all that cool information on sharks. Are you excited about Shark Week too???

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Some Anime For That Special First Time Watcher

It’s happened to us anime fans before. There is someone who doesn’t like anime and we either know they would, or we really need to get the point across. Now we’ve all met them before, whether they’re our father, mother, girlfriend, wife, boyfriend, husband, twin, best friend, pen pal, whatever, there’s somebody that needs to be shown an anime. The two big reasons I’ve seen is one, that even though they say they don’t like it, deep down we just know they would and they need just the right thing to give it a try and there’s two, the person saying “it’s cartoons for a kid” or “isn’t it like that Bleach thing/Naruto stuff/weird tentacle crap”. And sometimes they just need to see a few episodes to get the point to them that not all anime is like Bleach. Now this is a list of anime that has benefited my friends and family who I showed it too, and it may help you, but keep in mind, it’s not a perfect guide. Here we go:

1. Cowboy Bebop

People will honestly try to tell you that this is the best anime to ever grace our eyes…well it’s not. It’s good, but it doesn’t make everything else look like child’s play. This anime will appeal to anyone who’s into the sci-fi and/or crime genre with some western and noir themes. It follows a group of bounty hunters on their adventures while focusing on Spike and his past. Very simple. It’s an older anime, but the older ones seem to hold a charm that the new ones can’t compete with. Why would I recommend this? Despite that it isn’t blow-your-mind amazing, it’s very good, well paced, tragic (in it’s own right) yet satisfying, and it doesn’t go so deep you need to watch it three times before finding out what’s going on.

2. Monster

A little bit of a deeper one, I’ll admit, but it’s worked for three people so far. Have someone who isn’t into all that magical, undead, unreal stuff. Here’s your stop. This one is a detective, psychological thriller without super weird things happening (cause we know anime can have it’s weird series, especially psychological). This series made my mom see anime in a totally different light on accident. My mom’s a huge fan of anything detective related, and at the time she saw anime as just cartoons. One day my mom came home just in time to watch an episode and she almost freaked because it was serious and nothing she’d let my younger brother watch. It follows the story of Dr. Tenma who was a successful brain surgeon who opted to save the life of a young child over the mayor of Dusseldorf. Fast forward nine years later, and he’s stuck chasing that same child he saved years ago after murdering one of his patients. It’s a pretty long one, but after a few episodes either your view of anime is changed or you need to see how it turns out.

3. YuYu Hakusho

Another older one, and a very long one. Think nothing at all like DragonBall Z but a little like DragonBall Z in the end. That’s what I told my cousin who was a DBZ fanatic and hated every other anime under the sun. It somehow worked. This is a fantasy with martial arts all over it. It starts with Yusuke who dies trying to save a kid. He becomes a detective for the underworld and solves cases about ghosts in the human world, then gets all martial arts and action-y with tournaments (see the nothing like DBZ but kind of like it yet)? I’ll probably never live that statement down, but it worked on my cousin…somehow. If martial arts and fighting is your thing (or that special person’s) look no farther.

4. Mai-HiME
Where would I be if I wasn’t pumping out some girl power anime? I don’t generally see this one as a top recommended anime for first time watchers, but I say why not? This is probably the most girl power you can get without it being Sailor Moon. So if  someone’s into badass chicks this one’s worth a check. It centers around Mai Tokiha who has a HiME mark, which means she can control a spiritual mecha monster. She transfers to a school full of these HiMEs who as they start to learn and use their powers goes into different directions with them. It’s entertaining and even though it’s an action/fantasy anime it still has some romance and comedy in the drama.

5. Spirited Away

This whole list could be centered around Miyazaki movies. You can never go wrong with Miyazaki, believe me. I love this movie, and people could watch it just for the artwork alone. It’s a fantasy adventure movie, and even a coming of age movie in it’s own rights. It follows Chihiro a young girl who stumbles into a different world with her parents and has to save them and escape back to the human world. You get to see her transform and grow in this movie, that’s wonderful and beautiful, even though it’s for a young audience. Anyone could fall in love with this.

6. Slam Dunk

Any sports fans out there? Here’s one for you. Slam Dunk is about Hanamichi, a delinquent who isn’t so great with the girls. One girl who isn’t afraid of him, sees his potential for sports and talks him into joining a basketball team. He’s a natural athlete, and it follows his time playing basketball. It also has some romance and drama in it. Now honestly, I’m not a huge fan of sports anime but when I told a dude in school about it once, I decided I’d better watch it, too. And, even though I stopped for awhile, I’ve resumed and have a few episodes left. It’s very intriguing and likable, even to a non huge sports fan, like myself.

7. School Rumble

It’s a comedy, it’s a romance, it’s full of  high school drama, it’s a fun adventure. Centering on a love triangle between delinquent Kenji Harima, the young lady, Tenma Tsukamoto, and her crush, Oji Karasuma, it follows the relationships of different people in a high school. It’s extremely funny, and has served as a gateway into anime for many of friends and maybe yours too! It’s able to center on the main characters, but not forget the little guys throughout the series. It’s great and hilarious without being bizarre.

Those are my main picks, and the most used to get people into anime or to change their opinion on it.

How about you? What anime has worked for you or someone you know?

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Oh For Real!?

Ever had one of those moments?

I’m having one right now! You see, I’m kind of a forgetful person when it comes to certain things. To renew my library books – oh yeah I can easily forget. I managed to get such a fine that I can no longer renew books until I pay up. Oh boy. I sit back and wonder….how did this happen???

Oh yeah! I forgot to set a reminder on my phone. I just simply forgot to remember. I’m mad at myself. Not cause I have a huge fine and I can use that money for other things, but cause I forgot. I told myself I’d set my reminder, and I didn’t. Sometimes I can amaze myself with forgetfulness. -__-

How about you guys? Ever had something like this happen to you? What are some of your most forgetful moments?

Let me know in the comments below!


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I Owe You An Apology

Have you ever had one of those days that you have so much going on that time gets away from you and you don’t realize it until too late? I have a lot of those days. Particularly when I’m the last to know there’s company coming over for the weekend, and I’m assigned to finish the dishes and sweep the floors. But I’m used to being the last to know for everything because the only time my family sees me outside of my room is when I exercise or eat dinner with them. And our usual dinner topics aren’t exactly what’s going on (they start that way but then turn into one of those embarrassing topics you never want to admit you talk about over dinner but everyone inevitably does at some point).

Anyway…I’m sorry for not updating you on my exercising. I’m basically doing the same stuff, and this second month is super hard and leaves me tired and sweaty. Most of the time I don’t want to get up and shower, I just want to lie on the couch and pass out for the next few hours. Regardless, this feels very hard, and I think I’ll add an extra week to my next remaining 2 or 3 (I can’t quite remember where I am this late at night without my calendar  in front of me). I only say this because this week I feel like I wasn’t putting my all into it. Honestly, I WASN’T putting my all into it. It basically feels like starting over, I’m tired after the warm-up and don’t want to go on, and this month feels harder to get into because the workouts are longer and more intense, even the recovery day of stretching and balance is intense! I didn’t workout today (it is my day off) but I feel super tired just thinking about waking up early and doing it. I can see why some people stopped a week into month 2. I can’t remember what day I’m on tomorrow, but I’ll be sure to update you every few days for the next few weeks.

It’s super hot  here, so I’ve spent most of my free time sitting in the pool or in front of a fan not doing anything. I live where it gets super humid and that’s my downfall. I don’t like heat, but the humidity makes it unbearable. I’ll sit to read or write or draw, but then just think it’s hot out and I have a headache, so I’ll drink water and sit in the pool until I feel like moving. Deep down, I think I need to move to Alaska. I’ve started this new sleep pattern, because I live in a house with my parents and two younger brothers, and my twin step-sisters stay with us for the summer, so I’ve started going to bed at 5PM and getting up at 2-2:30AM. So basically from 2AM-5PM I’m awake and running around the house. Why 2AM? It’s quiet. My family is all asleep from when I get up to about 7ish, then my step-dad gets up, but then my mom won’t get up till about 8AM and everyone else isn’t up till a little after 9AM. I like my new quiet time, and secretly don’t have to worry about waking up too late to want to exercise. I can just walk downstairs at 7AM workout till 8AM and be done with it.

Well….that’s what’s happening here, and I’m sorry I haven’t been present. I haven’t forgotten you all, I swear!

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Insanity Days 28 – 31

Not too much has been happening workout wise. Other than digging deep, and drinking a ton of water and going from loosing my motivation to finding it back after working out. I haven’t posted cause really I can’t think of much to say, other than that, yes I’m alive.

It’s just getting…repetative. And as boring as that’s becoming, I’m not giving up now. I have another 3 weeks, and I won’t stop until the 3 weeks are up. But boy….is it tiring.

So……how’s it going with you?

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