Around the Rainbow

Writing, thoughts and feelings, with a little randomness

I Owe You An Apology

Have you ever had one of those days that you have so much going on that time gets away from you and you don’t realize it until too late? I have a lot of those days. Particularly when I’m the last to know there’s company coming over for the weekend, and I’m assigned to finish the dishes and sweep the floors. But I’m used to being the last to know for everything because the only time my family sees me outside of my room is when I exercise or eat dinner with them. And our usual dinner topics aren’t exactly what’s going on (they start that way but then turn into one of those embarrassing topics you never want to admit you talk about over dinner but everyone inevitably does at some point).

Anyway…I’m sorry for not updating you on my exercising. I’m basically doing the same stuff, and this second month is super hard and leaves me tired and sweaty. Most of the time I don’t want to get up and shower, I just want to lie on the couch and pass out for the next few hours. Regardless, this feels very hard, and I think I’ll add an extra week to my next remaining 2 or 3 (I can’t quite remember where I am this late at night without my calendar  in front of me). I only say this because this week I feel like I wasn’t putting my all into it. Honestly, I WASN’T putting my all into it. It basically feels like starting over, I’m tired after the warm-up and don’t want to go on, and this month feels harder to get into because the workouts are longer and more intense, even the recovery day of stretching and balance is intense! I didn’t workout today (it is my day off) but I feel super tired just thinking about waking up early and doing it. I can see why some people stopped a week into month 2. I can’t remember what day I’m on tomorrow, but I’ll be sure to update you every few days for the next few weeks.

It’s super hot  here, so I’ve spent most of my free time sitting in the pool or in front of a fan not doing anything. I live where it gets super humid and that’s my downfall. I don’t like heat, but the humidity makes it unbearable. I’ll sit to read or write or draw, but then just think it’s hot out and I have a headache, so I’ll drink water and sit in the pool until I feel like moving. Deep down, I think I need to move to Alaska. I’ve started this new sleep pattern, because I live in a house with my parents and two younger brothers, and my twin step-sisters stay with us for the summer, so I’ve started going to bed at 5PM and getting up at 2-2:30AM. So basically from 2AM-5PM I’m awake and running around the house. Why 2AM? It’s quiet. My family is all asleep from when I get up to about 7ish, then my step-dad gets up, but then my mom won’t get up till about 8AM and everyone else isn’t up till a little after 9AM. I like my new quiet time, and secretly don’t have to worry about waking up too late to want to exercise. I can just walk downstairs at 7AM workout till 8AM and be done with it.

Well….that’s what’s happening here, and I’m sorry I haven’t been present. I haven’t forgotten you all, I swear!

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Insanity Days 28 – 31

Not too much has been happening workout wise. Other than digging deep, and drinking a ton of water and going from loosing my motivation to finding it back after working out. I haven’t posted cause really I can’t think of much to say, other than that, yes I’m alive.

It’s just getting…repetative. And as boring as that’s becoming, I’m not giving up now. I have another 3 weeks, and I won’t stop until the 3 weeks are up. But boy….is it tiring.

So……how’s it going with you?

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Insanity Day 27 and a Sick Day

Yesterday was my recovery day, while today was also a recovery day.

But yesterday was all slow muscle work, stretching, balance, and breathing. You wouldn’t believe how much Shaun T wanted us to breathe. All in all, it was a great slow workout day.

As for today, I woke up around 4:30AM with a horrid headache, and a sore throat. I think it may have been allergies, but even with aspirin, would I stood up I got dizzy until about 2 hours ago. My throat still hurts, but that’s what Halls drops are for. Did I mention that after I fell back asleep from my 4:30AM wake up, I didn’t actually get up till 11:45AM? I looked at the clock, and said “Way too late to be exercising.” I rolled over, and basically slept all day and drank water, and ate toast and jam. About 6:00ish I started to feel better, and then it also started to drizzle. Raining made my head feel good! Anyway, now I’m wide awake, but I still plan to be in bed y 11PM the latest. I like sleep!

I guess today was the day off, but I plan on either doing today’s exercise tomorrow and Saturday’s on Sunday. Then I’ll be all caught up! Woot!

I wonder if Shaun T would be angry at me, but I was sick anyway…

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Insanity Day 26

Max Cardio I believe it was.

Think Pure Cardio times ten. Oh yeah, it was like that. I was so tired and fatigued halfway through, and I finished all of my water. It was painful. But I’m looking forward to the Max Recovery tomorrow, hoping it’s something like the recovery from last month. There are these diamond jumps we do, where you jump up and touch your feet together and hand together, to make a diamond shape. I don’t think my body made a diamond shape.

I also got a headache through this workout, and read I might be dehydrated, so I plan on drinking water throughout the whole thing, and not worrying about drinking it all. We have a water cooler not too far away, so I’ll be spending my 30 second breaks near it.

I’m a little disappointed that in this video, no one went into groups. In the last two workouts, when people were doing something hard, they’d pair up or be in a group of three to exercise with each other. I thought it was so cute!!!!! Maybe tomorrow…or Friday….I just love cute!

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Insanity Day 26

Max Inverval Plyo today…

Let me start off with I have horrible balance. So when we did this one foot hop (dude I forgot the name of the move! Again!) it didn’t look so pretty with me doing it. There was a squat push up (I think that was it), where you bend in the squat postition, then you let yourself go forward, land on your hands and stay on your toes (legs still in squat position) and go down, then push yourself up till you’re standing back in the squat position. Despite the fact it took me three tries to get it right, I enjoyed it. Now, there’s another move in the earlier discs called in and out abs, where you crouch, up your arms forward lean on your hands, and just move your legs in and out. Of course you can only jump like that for so long. Anyway this one was a wide in and out abs. It’s the same thing, only your legs are once again in the squat position. I actually found this one easier to do for some reason. Three workouts I actually hated on here more than the level 1 and 2 drills are power push ups (I think that’s the name), side push ups, and the balance power push ups (If you couldn’t tell…I can’t remember the names of these moves at all). When I first saw Shaun T do the side push ups I was “psh, no problem how easy”. I will never say “no problem” again. I fell more than once attempting. The first power push ups are you go down into the push up position, and as you push yourself up you jump up on your feet, then go back down and do the push up again. On the disc they were all great and even graceful doing it…yeah no grace here. The the next power push up thing is you do down do the push up but as you come up you hold out your arm and leg (like if you held out your left arm, you’d hold out your right leg). Lets go back to no balance…it wasn’t the best, but I hope to conquer it next week.

This workout was long, but it went well, and it was so hard for me to do all the balance I actually enjoyed and can’t wait to do it again  so I can do better (if I can’t conquer it that is).

I feel super proud of myself though because we did level 3 drills which was just like level 1, (go down, push ups, running in plank, stand up) except it was 16 push-ups, and 16 counts to run in the plank position. And for the first time we did I made myself do all 16 of each, and my arms are falling off, but it was worth it!

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Insanity Day 25

Fit test and Max Interval ciruit.

What can I say? I got my ass kicked by a DVD. After I did the fit text I was all like “I got this”. So I put on the max interval option and I almost pass out after seeing this workout is 59 mins and like 20 secs long. I was excepting the usual of maybe 47 mins, but when I saw almost an hour, I was like “Oh no.”

To be honest I almost stopped less than halfway through cause I got so drained. But I kept going, despite the fatigue and pain, I went, just slow and wishing the next 38 mins would hurry up. I hated that they combined some of the movies, and I was totally drained by the time he did the full body move thing (ski abs, moving push ups, in and out abs, and plank running in place…not in that order), I did 2 out of the 4 and just stayed on the ground. I’m almost afraid of tomorrow.

I thought I was afraid to do the pure cardio disc, now I wish I was doing pure cardio.

I noticed Tonya wasn’t in this workout, and she’s like in them all. And I mean all. Can’t help but wonder where she went off to. I have 2 ideas about why Tonya is always there. 1. Her and Shaun T are totally sleeping together. 2. Shaun T totallay created his own AI that could do the Insanity workout almost perfectly. So here’s why I think she wasn’t on the disc. 1. Her and Shaun T had some kind of disagreement. 2. She broke down and needed to be fixed.

Until tomorrow”s Insanity…
Ta ta.


Insanity Day 22, 23, 24, and Day Off

Well then. Sorry for the disappearance. I’ve been tired, and to be quite honest…there isn’t much to talk about when you’re doing the same workout for a week. Unless you just want me to go on and on about those Level 1 Drills, which I bet you don’t. But there is one thing I’d like to touch on…

My goodness I love the music for Insanity. Generally I hate exercise music, especially gaudy 80s like exercise music. But this one isn’t too bad. When I saw you had the option to do it without the music I was thrilled, but I figured, I should at least give the music a try first, and I do enjoy it. Other than being motivated by Shaun T’s scary comments on how he’s watching us, or his lud commands, the music does it too. I didn’t think music you exercised to could be so good to listen to. It’s like not exactly rock, but not so poppy you get a headache from it. I also wouldn’t say it’s pop rock cause you can hear guitars, but they’re not da da da da da da *enter screaching solo here* da da da da da….ya know. And it’s not a bad screaching solo, but screachy. And it certainly isn’t “hey I wanna dance my heart out.” It’s motivational music.

Oh wait….also I haven’t posted not just cause I’m sleeping earlier and busy during the day, but cause Friday night into Saturday night I was at a friend’s party. I was going to post Saturday when I got home, but I realized yesterday I was running on 3 hours of sleep (for Friday we didn’t sleep till 4am and I was up at 7am automatically).

So…sorry for being away. Truly I am. But now I’m back!!! Mwahahahahahahahahaha (that evil laugh doesn’t mean anything).

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Insanity Day 21

I’ve made it to the Core, Cardio and Balance week for recovery!

I understand why it’s a recovery week, but what kind of recovery is that when I’m still sweating half to death!?!?!? Anyway….I really really despise level one drills and there it is on the recovery week. But in all honesty, I had a lot of fun doing it this morning. I can’t wait to do it tomorrow. And I mean that. I’m actually super excited cause I didn’t feel like I was going to die. I just had immense pain in my leg muscles again, particularly the thighs. Oh, and my abs. They are feeling it, and I really wish they weren’t.

It just makes it harder the next day you know? You go to exercise, yay, but then after a minute you’re legs are screaming at you cause hey, they’re still sore from yesterday. Oh, yeah. Now you just want to stop right there and give up for the week while your body rests. Okay…maybe it’s not that bad but still…it’s slightly uncomfortable…right guys?

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Insanity Day Off And Writing Tons of Stuff

My motivation has been renewed!

Not just cause of a new set of videos to start soon but because I went to put on this bathing suit that fit me fine last year, and now it’s too big. I’m so happy! My weight loss it coming along…slowly. But still! Yay! I just wanted to let you all know, now I will dig so much deeper! 😀


Now about that writing aspect. I’m going to start posting two stories of mine on here. Well one if a fanfiction, but still. I shall have my two stories up on here. One is a story about monster hunters basically. And the other one is about a superhero I created who is in the Marvel Universe. I will reveal more later, but for now, it’s time for bed. It’s late, and I must be up at 7am for Insanity.

Good night!

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Insanity Day 19 and 20

Whoa…I reached 20!

Those stupid level 1 and 2 drills drive me nuts. I really hate them. Down! 4/8 push ups! Jump up! Yeah, yeah…I got it.

Anyway I’ve gotten a liking for the one guy who’s always in the back. Bandana guy I call him (cause I don’t know his real name). I seem to enjoy him, but Tonya…oh she gets on my nerves. I wanna just punch her in the jaw. I don’t care if she’s the machine or whatever. I do like Chris. He’s more human and he runs marathons! Woot. But he at least isn’t smug doing those exercises. And I don’t know why, but cornrow dude looks like he should be a porn star. With those faces he makes…yeah. And I liked the Hispanic looking dude. He has the knee brace on, but in one exercise Shaun T is making him sit out.

And why in the world does Shaun T refer to himself in third person somethimes. Cause he does! And I want to know why. He’s all “Shaun T’s getting tired!” “You should be sweating like Shaun T right now.” We aren’t gonna forget his name, I swear! But I do enjoy doing his workouts. His “I’m watching you” face makes me want to exercise. I don’t need him popping up in my dreams going, “YOU ARE NOT DOING WHAT SHAUN T SAYS!!!!!”

Do you have any exercise people in any routines that you like/dislike for any reason?

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